Frederick Douglass (1818-95) was a prominent american abolitional author and orator. frederick was born a slave, he escape at the age of 20, and went on to became the world- renowned anti-slavery activist he become the most important black american leader of the nineteenth century frederick was born 1818 and die on february 20, 1895 Washington D.C and have five children of his own.
Douglass work as a reformer ranged form his attack on jim crow and lynching in the 1890s at the age of 16 years old he edited and influentail black newspaper and achieved international fame as an inspiring and persuasive speaker and writer, Douglass's public life ranged from his work as an abolitionist in the early 1840s to his attacks on Jim Crow segregation in the 1890s. Douglass lived the bulk of his career in Rochester, N.Y., where for 16 years he edited the most influential black newspaper of the mid-19th century, called successively The North Star (1847-51), Frederick Douglass' Paper (1851-58), and The Douglass Monthly (1859-63). Douglass achieved international fame as an orator with few peers and as a writer of persuasive power. In thousands of speeches and editorials Douglass levied an irresistible indictment against slavery and racism, provided an indomitable voice of hope for his people, embraced antislavery politics, and preached his own brand of American ideals